Set up a scene using two planes for your curtains with plenty of segments, a pole made out of
a long cylinder, and the curtain hooks made from small cylinders. Make sure that you name all of the parts.
You can only use the cloth modifier with a 2 dimensional shape like a plane, with plenty of segments.
Select curtain and assign a cloth modifier - looks like a t-shirt in the toolbar.
Now we have to put the curtain into a Cloth collection. Run a preview of the animation.
Press P for playback. The curtain drops like a stone because it is not attached to the curtain hooks ( A rigid body).
Go to vertex mode on the cloth modifier, in the stack the top entry has a plus sign to its side. Click on the vertex sub-object level. Scroll down to the constraints area. Click on button which says 'Attach to rigid body'.
Click on Attach to rigid body in the box and change the name to RT1.
Select a few vertices that surround the hook. The vertices should turn red. In the 'Attach to rigid body' box click on the NONE button and in the scene click on the hook. You should then see hook RT1 on the none button. Do this process to the rest of the clips on the Right curtain.
You now need to put hooks into a rigid body collection. Select the clips and add to a rigid body collection.
Once all three clips are attached go to the preview. You can see
Home in on the curtain clips. Increase the time frame to 250 frames.
Turn on autokey place the slider at frame 150. Move the second hook to meet the first hook.
Move keyframe 0 to keyframe 30 for a one second delay before the curtain opens
Do the same for the other hook.
Highlight each hook one by one, and in the property editor, make sure that ‘unyielding’ is checked.
Preview the animation. Press P.
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